Churchill Hospital is proudly continuing their sponsorship of Marlborough Cricket’s “Women’s Summer of Cricket” for the 2022/23 season.
Now in it’s fourth year, the Women’s Summer of Cricket is a social 6-a-side competition which runs from November to Mid March, with festival days at the beginning and end of the season.
Community Cricket Development Manager at Marlborough Cricket, Eden Pettigrew, says there are currently 10 teams taking part this season with room for more.
Ages range from year 6 students to mums in their 30’s, 40’s and beyond. “We have a good mix of abilities from beginners who have just started this season through to experienced cricketers who hadn’t played for many years.
Eden says it is great to have Churchill’s sponsorship. “The social side of cricket could easily be overlooked. All of the players really appreciate it.”
“We’re able to provide nibbles and drinks and player of the day prizes for people. It gives a good atmosphere and lets people have that social connection, which is a big part of what sport’s about, really”.
Churchill Hospital General Manager Nicki Stretch says the sponsorship helps to provide a fun, friendly and supportive environment for women and girls wanting to get into (or back into) cricket.
And it’s working. By making cricket enjoyable and accessible the initiative has seen more females return to cricket or start playing. This has had a flow on effect into the coaching and administration spaces. Already, from just one team, Eden says one player is now coaching and one is on the committee.
Nicki says “From a health and wellbeing perspective it provides another opportunity for more people in our community to get involved in a new sport, create friendships and connections and have some fun.” Some of the Churchill team have been involved in the social competition, having never played cricket before, and have really enjoyed it.
Games are held weekly at Horton Park at 6pm. Anyone who is interested in forming or joining a women’s team can sign up anytime. Email Eden at: for more information.