Mask guidelines
Whilst it is no longer mandatory for people to wear masks in healthcare facilities, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask into our facility then please feel free to continue to do so.
Have you had a Covid-19 infection in the past 3 months?
To ensure your upcoming surgery can proceed, it is imperative you let us know if you have tested positive for Covid-19 at any time in the 3 months prior to your surgery date.
Guidelines from the Ministry of Health and the College of Anaesthetists require that surgery following a Covid infection be delayed by between 4-8 weeks to ensure the best possible outcome for you. The date of your surgery may need to be postponed as a result.
Please phone us on 03 520 9653 if you have, or have had a confirmed Covid-19 infection.
Close Contact of a Positive Case
If someone in your household has Covid-19 in the days before your surgery, please call to speak to one of our nursing team. Even if you are testing negative it is possible you may contract covid-19 within a few days. For your safety, surgery may need to be delayed.
Day Stay patients
For the safety and comfort of our patients, visitors are not permitted in our day stay area at this time. Your support person is welcome to wait with you prior to moving through to our day stay area. Following surgery, we will phone your support person so they may pick you up.
Overnight patients – visitors
Overnight patients are welcome to have visitors between the hours of 8.00am and 8.00pm.